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  • This certification allows you to safely visit and explore the underwater environment you have probably dreamed of and become part of a group of enthusiastic divers who share the same passion for underwater adventures! This globally-recognized certification program is the best way to begin your life-long adventure as a certified scuba diver. Personalized training is combined with in-water practice sessions to ensure you have the skills and experience required to become truly comfortable underwater. You will earn the SSI Open Water Diver certification. Learning to dive is an incredibly fun and enjoyable experience, being introduced to new equipment, diving techniques and new environment to explore is an adventure in its self. However, the learning process is made ever more fun if you learn to dive with friends or family.
  • Let’s get technical ! This course offers in-depth knowledge and extensive practice of the different fundamental set of skills to conduct dives up to 40 metres with an obligatory decompression of up to 15 minutes using a single decompression gas of up to 50% oxygen. This is your first step towards technical and mixed gas diving.
  • Join us for the most fascinating diving around Athens and the Attica Peninsula in Greece for six days of recreational diving! With us at Scubalife its not all about wrecks and technical dives.
    We also have some incredible reefs in the Saronic Gulf all within the recreational limit allowing everyone to experience some amazing dives aboard our diving boat "Mac D". We never want anyone to miss out in diving and understand that deep wrecks do not interest everyone, for some its diverse aquatic life such as stingrays, turtles and octopus.  For those keen divers we offer a week of diving searching for all the wonderful marine life that call the Aegean its home. 
  • This certification allows you to safely visit and explore the underwater environment you have probably dreamed of and become part of a group of enthusiastic divers who share the same passion for underwater adventures! This globally-recognized certification program is the best way to begin your life-long adventure as a certified scuba diver. Personalized training is combined with in-water practice sessions to ensure you have the skills and experience required to become truly comfortable underwater. You will earn the SSI Open Water Diver certification. Learning to dive is an incredibly fun and enjoyable experience, being introduced to new equipment, diving techniques and new environment to explore is an adventure in its self. However, the learning process is made ever more fun if you learn to dive with friends or family.
  • A great combination to venture deeper and stay longer - up to 40 metres! Build the capacity and knowledge to dive beyond the open water level and access more of our best dive spots. You'll learn to safely and comfortably plan and conduct dives beyond 18 meters up to 40m using Enriched Air Nitrox to increase your bottom time.
  • SSI Deep Diving

    From: 390
    Many exciting dive sites are located in deeper water. Without proper training, this kind of diving puts you at risk. The SSI Deep Diving Specialty will give you the ability to safely and comfortably plan and conduct dives beyond 18 meters, and is a prerequisite for some advanced training. You will earn the SSI Deep Diving Specialty certification after completing this program.
  • Snorkeling Trips

    From: 340
    Book on to our snorkelling trips to take you on a half day adventure around the historic Attica peninsula. We visit two Patroklos island to snorkel and swim in a secluded bay and Arsida islet to snorkel on the Canyon.  Hidden below the surface you will see wreck relics and have the chance to spot sea turtles, perhaps dolphins, seals and many more amazing ocean life.
  • Keep diving all year long and in colder climates with the SSI Drysuit Diving certification. The SSI Dry Suit Diving specialty program teaches you everything you need to know about diving safely in a dry suit. The course covers equipment handling and configuration, theory and dry suit emergency procedures. Upon completion, you will earn the SSI Dry Suit Diving specialty certification.
  • If your diving activities have extended bottom times or you would like to dive in colder water, you will need proper thermal protection. GUE's Drysuit Diver course prepares divers for dry suit diving using proper equipment and techniques.
  • Enhance your senses! This program provides the skills and concepts required to safely and comfortably dive at night or in limited visibility conditions. Some of the ocean's most amazing creatures only come out at night, so your dive doesn't have to end when the sun goes down. You will learn how to enter and exit the water, use specialized equipment, and how to communicate and dive with a buddy at night or in limited visibility. You will earn the SSI Night Diving and Limited Visibility Specialty certification after completing this program.
  • This program provides the skills and concepts required to safely and comfortably navigate underwater during a dive. You will learn how to use a compass and natural navigation techniques, estimate distance, basic navigation patterns and how to leave and return to a designated point. You will earn the SSI Navigation Specialty certification after completing this program.


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