Our story
We founded Scubalife with a vision to redefine the way divers are trained and how they experience the underwater world.
We aim to constantly expand our diving skills and experiences, so that safety and underwater comfort is always enhanced in any diving activity.
We love to genuinely share our passion with divers and inspire them to dive and explore the wonders of the Aegean Sea with us.
This has enabled us to offer a safe, versatile and enjoyable dive experience that enables our divers to use on any dive, from a shallow reef to deep wreck exploration.
Nikos Vardakas
Founder of Scubalife
Our mission
We train responsible, thinking divers who are able to use their training skills on all their dives. We strive to keep improving the quality and standards of our diver education programs. We believe in a lifelong, holistic approach to all levels of diving that enables exploration and protection of the underwater realm.
Our philosophy
Our training philosophy incorporates the following core values:
- Safety
- Methodology
- Individuality
- Experience
- Realistic practice
- Ongoing skills development
Proper, efficient and enjoyable training is a fundamental factor for anyone wishing to experience the wonders of the underwater world and develop a passion for scuba diving. Whether you are looking to dive for fun or to branch into technical diver training, Scubalife is the way to go.
Our extended teaching experience, honed over years, puts us in a position to easily deal with the individual training requirements and needs of every student. We identify your strengths and weaknesses and train accordingly.
At Scubalife we take training one step at a time. We are not in a hurry to proceed for the sake of proceeding. Our priority is always safety.
In line with this vision, Scubalife:
- Trains and develops safe, skilled & thinking divers
- Provides the resources and education that make scuba diving fun, safe, and ultimately part of a complete lifestyle
- Provides all the resources & logistics, so that you can safely explore and enjoy the wonders of Greece as a unique diving destination
- Conducts Exploration and Conservation Projects in Greece and beyond
- Builds a community of divers that share common goals and interests.